One Step At a Time

No matter where you are in your life, remember, if you need to make any changes, you can. Just take one step at a time. If someone is not there for you, find someone else! All of us, at times, need someone to help us with encouragement, prayers, and sometimes, just to sit quietly and give you a hug. Carter gives great hugs, unfortunately, they weren't enough for Heather, in her mind. No matter what we said, she still didn't believe that there was any hope. There is always hope! We would have done anything for her. But do you know what? If you think there is no hope, there is someone there with you that would do anything to keep you with them! Remember that! My book is starting to take off. Each new read is a little hard on me because I do value my privacy, but lives that can be saved are worth more than any privacy issues I may have. Each day we hear more stories, lives lost, but more important, we hear stories of lives saved! Together, we can work together to get more sa...