Heather Keeps Making Me a Better Person

Heather was one of the best people in my life and her absence screams at me. I just miss her. I don't know of another way to say that. Heather tried her best, for everyone, not just for those that she liked. We all need to be a little more like Heather was. One of the things that Heather stated in her goodbye note was that she did not want to live in this world. I hear those same words repeatedly from many people. I agree with her. Now, I could moan and groan that the politicians and leaders of this world should do something about it. Well, when was the last time one of them really did a thing to help you or to help make this world a little better place. Yeah, never. We need to be the change that we want to see. Today, say hi to someone, whether you know them or not, really look at that person in the eye and tell them to have a great day! Do you know someone struggling financially and don't have a lot to spare yourself? Make a little extra for dinner and share with them....