Bullying Can Have Drastic Results

Bullying is never ok and is one of the reasons that many take their own lives. Some never even make it through middle school before they decide they just don't want to be in this world anymore. Some people will teach their kids that it is acceptable and okay to tear someone else down. When is that ever acceptable? Gossiping is the same way, it tears the person you are talking about down. Why can't we live in a world that builds each other up instead of tearing others apart to make ourselves look bigger and better? The world has become more and more selfish and no one really seems to care. The only way we can change it, is to make sure we aren't part of the problem. I raised my girls to know that the only time violence was acceptable was in self-defense and I do believe that everyone should know some self-defense. However, using your fists to make a point is nothing more than bullying. The same goes with gossip. If you want to share your latest "dirt" on someo...