Do Not Do This To Your Friends and Family

No matter how bad you feel inside. No matter what is going on in your mind. No matter what you believe or what you have been told. Suicide is not the answer. This picture is a selfie that we got off of Heather's cell phone. If she ever showed us this face, we would have had an inkling. We could have helped her. If you feel like you are too hurt or depressed or that you just have no one there to turn to, you do!

It's almost been 2 months and it still hurts as much as the first day. The heart ache, the physical pain we feel is still all too real. I read the statistics and I know that about every 13 seconds in the United States, some one takes their life and leaves family and friends with heart ache. Life altering heart ache. Every day the pain pierces at our hearts. A simple memory. This morning, I made my sauce and meatballs for dinner. Simple enough, right? It was so painful. Each meatball formed, each stir of the sauce, was a reminder that Heather wasn't here. She wasn't here to ask if I was making bagel chips to dunk in the sauce. She loved them.

If you are reading this and have any thoughts of suicide at all, please, if not for yourself, do it for your friends and family. Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). I know if Heather did this, she might still be with us. I know she would say that she would have been embarrassed to call. Don't be. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Getting the help you need is the first step to stopping the pain. Suicide is not the answer. Suicide is a weapon left  behind that keeps attacking those that you leave behind.


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