Another Month Winds Down Without Heather

Nine months of my life have disappeared. If I look back over the time that we have spent without Heather in our midst, there aren't too many moments that stand out. It seems like, for the most part, I have just existed. Nothing more. Nothing less. I am trying to go forward, one step at a time. It's not always easy and there are times, I can't even take a step at all. Sometimes, like in real life, sometimes I just need to pause and catch my balance. That is usually easier said than done. I love all my girls so much. It hurts when people say that I have 2 daughters now. No, I have 3. One of them may be an angel, but she is still my daughter. Suicide didn't change that. These days I do know that Heather will not be walking down the path from the parking lot, but it doesn't mean that I don't wish she still could. I know she won't be stopping over for a few hours for something to eat and a nap before heading out to work. I still wish she could. That is one...