As a Suicide Survivor, Your World Tilts to a Different Angle

I have found that one of the hardest parts of my daughter taking her own life is that your views of the world truly change. It is like the plates of the Earth has done a huge relocation and nothing is the same anymore. Many people have said it's time to move on, get over it. Well, it's not that simple. How do you just move on when your entire world is different? The answer is simple, you don't move on. You learn to adapt to your new world. It's a world of new views and emotions. It's a new view on what is important and what really doesn't matter at all. When I hear of someone taking their life, my heart hurts not only for them, but for the family and friends that this will hurt. When I hear of someone turning to drugs, I feel the pain that they are trying to hide behind drugs, etc. We need to wake up and realize that suicide and overdoses are the symptoms of the disease that is killing those that we love. The disease is Mental Illness. The disease hides, ...